Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Extreme Bias of FOX News

So, as we speak, I'm sitting at my computer listening to Hannity on FOX News. Don't ask me why, it's just something that I do. I guess I just want to hear both sides of a story, but now I'm off topic. Anyways, under FOX's banner of "Fair and Balanced," Sean Hannity's episode for Sunday, August 15, 2010, is about how Liberals are ruining the country, how Liberals think Conservatives should be completely ignored, and how the Liberals are ruining Democracy.

I say to you this, FOX: It takes two to tango.

Let's put it this way, if you want Democracy in our Republic, then your should attempt to actually make compromises on bills. That's kind of what Democracy is about. Sure, the Democrats are going against public opinion, but you are doing nothing but having every member of your party vote no. That is not Democracy, and to blame the Democrats is to only address half of the problem.

Furthermore, as you do nothing but complain and vote no, rather than collaborating and discussing, the result is a series of bills that are worse off than they were in the beginning. The extreme partisanship is making the choice increasingly awful. So, in a sense, even though it is the Democratic bills that are ruining the country now, it is your fault that they can leave as-is. I seriously doubt you'll do much better if you gain Congress.

Also, to say that Liberals don't want to listen to Conservatives on the basis of Republicans being illegitimate is fallacy. Sure, some will, simply because you've had no new ideas for the last 50 years, and no good ideas for almost 70, but that's okay. They won't listen to you because you're making no effort to listen to them. Respect is a two-way pass: you show it to them and they'll show it to you.

Finally, the very fact that this is your headline story shows that you are so incredibly Rightward-aligned that your slogan should be stripped in a court of law for false advertisement. Sure, your general news programs are fairly unaligned, but as soon as that portion ends, the bias comes forth. You have never simply reported and had the viewer decide, but instead you have given your opinion as fact and shown that fact as infallible on your heavily-viewed television show. Stop it.

I'll help you Republicans for a moment on what to do. First, you need to ditch the Tea Party. They are not a representation of Republicanism and will do nothing more to you than what Nader did to Gore in 2000. Next, you need to come up with some new ideas. Fiscal Conservatism is your ally, but just boasting tax cuts and small government has been attempted before (by Reagan) and failed (by Reagan). However, you need to address social issues. You can't call yourselves a Libertarian-esque party if you are opposing such civil liberties as gay marriage, the Ground Zero mosque, or legalization of recreational marijuana. This just makes you look like hypocrites. Forget the fact that I'm a Socialist and could argue for hours on that alone, just follow these steps and people will stop hating you more. (By the way, Social Conservatism makes you guys look like Nazis. Just saying.)