Monday, May 10, 2010

Greece and Socialism

Well ladies and gentlemen (but mostly Derec), it may finally be here!

Over the past year, Greece has seen a lot of hardship. After electing the Panhellenistic Socialist Movement into the majority party slot of the Greek Parliament, radical economic failures began to ensue. Spending went out of control, corruption rose to an all time high, and the economy sank to an all time low as Greece proved to the world, unintentionally, that Socialism cannot be legislated.

The possibility of Socialism could never be higher.

As the USSR and China proved, Socialism cannot work in a Pre-Capitalist society, and, as Greece has proved, Socialism cannot be passed into law within a Capitalist society. The latter's events have been catastrophic. Riots, strikes, and protests are more than commonplace, executives are being kidnapped and held at ransom by angry, hungry workers, and thousands upon thousands can neither find a job nor feed their families. In short: revolution is brewing.

Workers throughout Greece have united for a peaceful, successful, fair, free, and happy Greece and have kindled a new possibility of Socialism. As I've said before, no nation has ever pulled off Socialism with any success because they either hadn't achieved the progress of Capitalism. However, Greece is a fully industrialized, fully progressed, fully Capitalist, First World nation, meaning that the requirements for Socialism have been met. Workers' revolution has begun.

It is beginning to appear that the nation that created Democracy is about to perfect it.

Like always: COMMENT!!!! (Please)